Sportsmen’s Show January 31st thru February 4th, 2024
Volunteers to staff PSLRA’s educational booth at the 2024 Washington Sportsmen’s Show from Wednesday, January 31st thru Sunday, February 4th. Volunteers get free admission to the event and free parking.
If you are interested in volunteering at the event, please contact Cindy Meyer at
The following are more details about the event:
Every year PSLRA has a very informative booth at the Washington Sportsmen’s Show in Puyallup. It’s a great opportunity for the Club to educate the public about our wonderful Labrador Retriever breed.
As a way for you to become more acquainted with the Club we ask our Members to help as volunteers in our booth to greet the public and answer questions.
To volunteer you must be a current Club Member in good standing with a desire to educate the public about our beloved Labrador Retriever.
Your personal Labradors are welcome to attend, but must be at least 6 months of age to be present at the event. Dogs need to be well socialized, as the show is attended by many people of all ages, including families with small children who will want to pet your dog.
Volunteer shifts range from 2.5 to 3.0 hours. The show runs from Wednesday afternoon to Sunday evening. Morning, afternoon, and evening shifts are available. We try to get enough volunteers to have two people in the booth at the same time.
This is a great event to meet other Club Members. It is very fun. So, please join us Wednesday, February 1st thru Sunday, February 5th at the Puyallup Fairgrounds.
Thank you to all that help represent our wonderful breed.
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Puyallup Fairgrounds
Cindy Meyer