
Want to help make our events a success, and join in on the fun?  Visit our Volunteer page to see the Volunteer Opportunities PSLRA currently has available. [Read More]

Club Documentation

The following are links to PDF versions of the Club's Constitution, ByLaws, Policies & Code of Ethics:

Support Labrador Rescue

Please Note: PSLRA is a "Not For Profit" Club, IRS 501C7.  Donations made specifically to PSLRA are not tax deductible.

To donate to a tax deductible "Non Profit" organization please donate directly to Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue www.spdrdogs.org,  and specify you would like the donation to go to "Labradors Retrievers".

If you would like to donate to Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue please follow the link below:


Support our Junior Club Members

Would you like to donate to support our Junior Club Members?

PSLRA has a number of Junior Members who are under 18 years of age and active in Conformation and Hunting events.  In 2010 the Club started a Juniors Fund to help support our Junior Handlers with education expenses through our Junior Scholarship, as well as expenses associated with handling classes, travel to major events, etc.

If you would like to donate to our Junior Fund please follow the link below:


Support Labrador Health Research

Please Note: PSLRA is a "Not For Profit" Club, IRS 501C7.  Donations made to PSLRA are not tax deductible.

Each year PSLRA identifies Health Research for the betterment of Labrador Retrievers, and makes an annual contribution based on recommendations from Board and Club members.

If you would like to support PSLRA in these efforts, as well as Labrador Retriever Health Research in general, please consider donating to this fund.

If you do not require your donation to be tax deductible, and would like to donate to PSLRA's Labrador Retriever Health Research Fund, please follow the link below:


Membership Renewal – Breeder Directory

This form is only for current PSLRA Members who are already listed on the Breeder Directory, have met the annual volunteer requirement, and are approved to re-new their current Individual or Family Level Membership, plus their Breeder Directory listing.

Requirements: (As of January 1, 2014)

  • Remain a PSLRA Member in good standing.
  • Must meet the annual Volunteer requirement by assisting the Club in at least one (1) capacity each year.
    • By volunteering to Chair or help at one (1) Club event.
    • Or, by participating in another role within the club, such as serving on a Committee, being a Board member, etc.
    • Donations to the raffle, website photo submissions, potluck items, etc., though greatly appreciated, are examples of actions that DO NOT count toward Breeder Directory volunteer requirements.
  • A payment of $15.00 will be added to your membership dues to cover the cost of your Breeder Directory listing.


    • Complete the following Breeder Directory Membership Renewal form.
    • Please choose your desired Payment Option:
      • Pay On-Line (Preferred)
      • Pay by Check
    • Once form is complete and payment option chosen, submit the form.
    • Form will be sent to the PSLRA Membership Chair, plus the Event or Committee Chair, or Board Officer who can confirm your Volunteer assignment.
    • You will receive a confirmation after you successfully submit the form, and via the email address provided.
    • Once your volunteer assignments are confirmed:
      • Pay On-Line:  If you chose to pay on line, you will be sent the password to pay on-line via the shopping cart.
      • Pay by Check:  If you chose to pay by check, payment must be received within 7 days after your form is approved.
        • Make Checks Payable to: PSLRA 
        • Send Check to:  Mary Jane Sarbaugh  |  PSLRA Treasurer
        • Address:  5062 Wynter Place, Langley, WA.  98260
    • Once your on-line or by check payment is received, your membership and Breeder Directory listing will be renewed for 1 year.

Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association